Sponsor, Donate, Volunteer

Facade of Laurel Hill Mansion, the historic Philadelphia Park House of which Women for Greater Philadelphia are stewards
Laurel Hill Mansion

Support Women for Greater Philadelphia preservation of the historic Philadelphia park house Laurel Hill Mansion, cultural and educational programing

For information about becoming a sponsor email info@womenforgreaterphiladelphia.org.

Interested in Volunteering? There are many opportunities, so let us know what interests you.




America 250 Committee
Education Comittee
Garden Comittee
History Comittee
House Committee
Membership Committee
Program / Planning /Events
Social media
Spring Tea
Women’s History Month


Membership Link to the WFGP membership page where you can join Women for Greater Philadelphia

Become a member of Women for Greater Philadelphia, stewards of Laurel Hill Mansion. Your membership dues help maintain the historic park house Laurel Hill Mansion. They also help support educational and cultural programing.

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Members Page